Japan in a Suitcase
Bring Japan to Your Classroom!

With our 'Japan in a Suitcase' program for elementary and middle-schoolers, pairs of volunteers come to your classroom with a suitcase full of fun items from Japan to share what daily life is like for kids living and growing up in Japan.
… for kids in Japan the school year begins in April?
… they don't have janitors but work together to clean the entire school themselves?
… that until WWII Japanese Emperors were considered to be divine?
… samurai also wrote poetry?
… the world's first novel was written by a Japanese noblewoman?
Elementary School

Our elementary school program shows what school is like for a 3rd grade Japanese boy named Taro. Common items used by Japanese school children in everyday life are passed around for students to handle and explore. They will learn everyday Japanese phrases and practice writing kanji!

"Thank you so much for such a wonderful presentation! It was just PERFECT!!!!
Thank you!"

"Thank you for coming to my classes despite the distance. I REALLY appreciate everything you guys have done with my students! "

"The presentations and actual items such as school uniforms and indoor school shoes are a really hands-on experience for students."